As all smart owners know, every business is a service business, even when your primary activity is the production and sale of a product. With the help of the experts at Cultivate Capital, you can not only grow your product, you will be able to grow your cannabis business.
Many traditional banks and lending institutions don’t work with companies in this industry, choosing to avoid these clients while cannabis is still illegal under federal law. But, at Cultivate Capital, our “core focus is to provide financing options to business owners” in the cannabis industry. This means working closely with clients to provide customized financing solutions.
Contact us for the following types of financing:
- Working capital
- Startup funding
- Bridge loans (to fuel expansion)
- Inventory loans
- Cannabis equipment financing
- Real estate financing
You can also work with a financing expert to establish revolving lines of credit. This will give your company access to a pool of funds you can draw from as you operate your cannabis business.
Cultivate Capital is a private, independent cannabis-industry finance company. We understand the difficulty of getting financing for businesses in this industry, so we’ve established a “global presence and our reputation, expertise and stability make us the top choice for financing.”