Many Commercially Sold CBD Products Contain Synthetic Marijuana

It doesn’t take long to realize it’s everywhere: CBD candies. CBD beverages. CBD lotions, creams, oil — even pet snacks. But can you believe what’s on the packaging? An investigation by the Associated Press revealed that ten out of 30 commercially marketed CBD products tested positive for the presence of synthetic cannabinoids, similar to what […]

FDA Issues Warning About CBD Marketing Health Claims

Companies from every industry, from farms to food to cosmetic manufacturers, are joining the CBD rush. The result is that everyone, from regulators to customers, is trying to wrap their arms around this popular product, where, beyond a few cannabis-legal states (where the CBD market is strictly regulated and tested), the regulatory rules are minimal to […]

MMJ Patients Push DEA Chief to Quit

A growing group of medical marijuana patients is calling for the resignation of DEA chief Chuck Rosenberg after he called MMJ a “joke.” The Marijuana Majority, a national pro-reform group, launched a petition seeking Rosenberg’s firing or resignation. As of Nov. 12, the petition had gathered roughly 30,000 signatures. Rosenberg’s comments came earlier in […]